Sunday, April 26, 2009

Humble yourself.

Does it surprise you sometimes how our pride can become a road block in life at times? Sometimes I just don't understand. A humble heart can make a blind man see, can heal a leper, can revive the dead. We can all see the miracles that happen to people who humble themselves into allowing the Lord into their lives.

I have a friend named Jade who 1 year ago wanted nothing to do with the Church. He was addicted to smoking and other things. He humbled himself and was challenged to read the Book of Mormon. In which he did. Did he stumble? Of course. But one year later I was able to watch him open his mission call. How awesome is that?!

I think sometimes we all need to sit back and take a look at our lives. Find whats causing us the most pain and fix it. I know thats what i've done and for the most part it has worked out so greatly. I love my friends, the Gospel, and am proud to be able to have the opportunity to serve a mission. I am so greatfull to be worthy to go to the temple and It will be an awesome experience. But for those who are not worthy, don't forget that its never to late and that the Lord loves you. Enter back into his fold and he will wrap his arms around you and embrace you with blessings of Love and Peace.

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